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光度计PM-02 [返回]
- Detection of organic impurities, ozone and turbidity
- Monitoring of water purification systems
- Monitoring of process liquids
- Detection of leaks and system failures
Technical data
Wavelength:           254 nm
Measuring range:      0 - 100% transmission
Resolution:           0.1%
Display:              Transmission and
Measuring time:       2.2 s
Optical path way:    10 or 50 mm
Dimensions:          155 x 150 x 260 mm
Weight:              ca. 2.7 kg
Mains:               230 VAC, 50 Hz
Power consumption:   < 20 W
Lamp:                Hg low pressure
Lamp lifetime:      typical 2.000 hours
Operation temp.:    10 to 40 °C
Humidity:           < 80%, non-condensing
Housing protection: IP65
Interface:          RS232
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